Todo lists and automated sub-ledger balancing

Work smarter to claw back time with automated sub-ledger balancing

Todo lists and automated sub-ledger balancing

Among my family and friends I’m well known for my love of ‘To Do Lists’. I find them useful because:

  • They stop my thoughts racing with all the things I must do or mustn’t forget. This helps me to focus on what I’m doing now.
  • They also help me work out the most time efficient manner in which to perform tasks.
  • In the words of a former boss, they help me “use my head to save my legs”.

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Three things that tandem cycling has taught me about teamwork

Three things that tandem cycling has taught me about teamwork

Three things that tandem cycling has taught me about teamwork

A few years ago John and I decided to take a trip tandem cycling around the Lake District. This was a challenge on many levels as:

  1. I had spent most of my adult life avoiding any strenuous exercise wherever possible and;
  2. we live in a flat part of the country whereas the Lake District is hilly and;
  3. the weather can be unpredictable to say the least.

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