Achieving mindfulness

By now most people have heard about mindfulness but may not be aware of how to actually go about achieving mindfulness.  This blog outlines some basic concepts on the path to achieving mindfulness.

According to The Mindfulness Journal by Corinne Sweet, “Mindfulness is about being completely in the now. It’s about noticing this second, how you feel, what you think, what you want, without criticism or judgement. It’s about learning to notice everything in your body, your mind and your environment: the gurgles in your stomach, the twitches in your back, the clenching of your jaw, the rain on the window, the clouds in the sky, the purring of your cat, the flowers in the garden, the smile of your child, the sound of a far-off train, the traffic on the street, a bird twittering on a branch, the itch on your nose, the whirr of your computer, or the taste of a melting square of chocolate on your tongue. It is about noticing everything in the moment. It’s about learning to focus your attention in the present. This very second. This millisecond. NOW. It is about living in present time”


During your relaxation period of this year, you should attempt to achieve mindfulness while reflecting on your achievements. Try to really acknowledge them and internalise your success. Next year you will be far more organised and should attempt to achieve mindfulness in everything you do. This will increase your effectiveness and efficiency and overall satisfaction of the task.

Mindfulness does not magically reduce the stress of a task but gives you the correct frame of mind to take a step back and achieve calmness, focus, and peace in order to create an environment which helps you manage your stress adequately. Mindfulness is being scientifically researched, trained and applied in hospitals, schools and other social institutions. Meditation is a great way of achieving mindfulness.

When we talk of meditation, the first image that comes to mind is a group of Buddhist monks in orange robes sitting in silence in a temple. This is not always the case and anyone can meditate. Meditation is about taking 10 minutes out of your day to find a quiet space and centre yourself, bringing you back to the now and regaining your focus. The mindfulness application (featured in our productivity app blog) is fantastic in assisting you through 10 minutes of guided meditation. You can set reminders to achieve mindfulness each day. Regular daily practice is essential to being able to take 5 minutes of mindfulness whenever you need to.

The benefits of mindfulness

According to The Mindfulness Journal by Corinne Sweet, the benefits are as follows:

  1. It lowers stress
  2. It eases pain
  3. It calms
  4. It makes music sound better
  5. It makes food taste better
  6. It can help you relate better
  7. It can help you accept yourself
  8. It can improve your mental focus
  9. It can improve your memory
  10. It can improve your performance

There’s no doubt that mindfulness will boost your productivity, overall wellbeing and help you achieve balance in your life.

How would achieving mindfulness benefit you?